The historical figures of Hetalia need more love! (And I feel really bad for those of you who don’t follow me because of Hetalia, because you must get irritated by my constant spam of anime stuff) But seriously. For a series about history, the actual people portrayed in it are grossly unappreciated. A lot of people at Anime Expo couldn’t tell who Fritz and I were supposed to be, which made us really sad. I even got called Cinderella more than once. Although there were people that recognized and loved us (thank you for that, by the way! 😀 ), I was surprised at how few and far between they were. Which, when you think about it, is really sad. There are a lot of awesome people all throughout history, several of which are represented in the series, and it’s something that I am getting really passionate about. So who is with me, to get these awesome people more love??
Hetalia Rant

Maria Theresa at the Huntington Library