So occasionally I read articles on yahoo during work, when I’m done with my tasks. Today I read one about Israel putting limitations on fashion models’ weight requirements, and down in the comments section one person put the rather philosophical, in-depth comment of “Whatever. Models are just clothes-hangers anyway. Skinny little things you hang clothes on”. As a model myself, I take offense at comments like these. They are made with the assumption that a model is a “thing”, that she can be objectified. I left a reply explaining that modeling is actually a lot of work, and many girls (myself included) put a lot of effort and dedication into their work, to create images that tell a story. Within ten minutes of my comment being posted, it was already hidden due to it receiving 11 thumbs-down votes, as well as several people leaving derogatory comments towards me. And these are the people that say the modeling industry is judgmental? I do not support the “too-skinny” look, as I know it is unhealthy. The models who do are often in extremely poor health, and are incapable of doing most things that modeling even requires (standing for hours on end, holding difficult poses, etc.) I maintain an average weight, and I’m working to gain more body strength, so I can be a better model. I also believe that a model needs to be first and foremost a role model. There was a time I had extremely low self-esteem, and developed harmful habits to try and reach an unhealthy weight. I got myself out of that mindset, and I take better care of myself now. As a model, I hope I can reach out to girls in the same position as I was, and be a light for them. I’m just so sick of these bastards who think they know everything about models. WE ARE NOT A STEREOTYPE. These are the aforementioned comments, in order of appearance: “Whatever. Models are like coat hangers. They’re skinny little things that you hang clothes on.” “Obviously your derogatory comment comes from someone outside of the fashion industry. I’ve been modeling for ten years, and I consider myself to be more than simply a “coat-hanger”. Modeling is a lot of hard work, with a lot of dedication that must be put into it. A model’s job is to create images that tell a story. It is art. This is not to say that I agree with the girls who work to gain the “too skinny” look. I maintain an average weight, because I also believe a model to be a role model for other girls.” “Isn’t the story that a model creates one that invariably says, “If you spend your money on this product/service, you’ll be as attractive/successful/happy/popular/irresistible as me?”” “Lol Jennifer. I was a runway model and in my experience there was not very much work that had to be put into it. The only ‘work’ was when I gained 5 pounds and was told my butt was too big for the sample sizes, so I had to try and lose it. In the end I decided I quite liked not being a 00 so I enjoyed eating and looking like a normal person.” “LOL, Jennifer the hidden comment girl,,,A model’s job is to be a role model too? That explains why you are reading and posting on Yahoo, just cracks me up, thanks you made my day, lol.” “Jennifer, you’re ok with using your body for nothing more than display purposes? Modeling is not hard work. You either pose and look pretty or you walk and look pretty. It might be hard for a complete air head….” “Yes Jennifer, I’m sure being a pretty living mannequin is hard work……..” “Jennifer, I believe it is the photographers job to create the images that tell the story. You are merely the subject that does what it is told, not the creative genius. As stated above, “a hanger for clothes”.”
I am not a coat hanger