Scarlet Letter or Easy A Let’s take a minute to discuss nude modeling. What is your opinion on it? Positive? Negative? Neutral? Where is the line between artistic and pornographic? The reason I ask about this is fairly simple. Well, not really. I don’t know. Recently, someone in my life- someone who shall go unnamed- voiced their opinion on my modeling work, which was incredibly negative, and very hurtful. They claimed there was no difference between an artistic nude portrait and someone posing for a porn magazine. Like a prostitute asking money for… you know, they stated posing nude was just another way to sell a woman’s body. I don’t think any of this is true. To me, my modeling is a form of expression, and a very powerful one. When I look at an image, regardless of whether it is clothed or nude, I search for the story behind it, and the emotion that the artist/photographer/model is trying to portray. To me, nudity could mean freedom, it could mean vulnerability, it could mean any number of emotions, and I have a hard time understanding people who don’t see that. I understand that I’m probably vastly different from most people, because I grew up in a house where photo shoots a regular occurrence. It wasn’t unusual for my brother and I to have to help clear the garage to set up a backdrop, set up lights, dig out the “model wardrobe” suitcases, and any number of the things that needed to be done to prepare for a model to show up. We’d sometimes watch during the shoots (which was one reason I got into modeling in the first place), and we’d see the photos afterward. My dad would ask for our opinions, explain the stories behind the pictures, and ask how we would do things differently. Anyway, I know I’ve probably started to ramble a bit, so I’ll get back to the point: Am I the odd one in this circumstance? I really want to hear from you guys on this subject, because it’s one that I’m really passionate about. Also, just for reference, this is my modeling portfolio:
Let’s talk, Shall we?